“Sound and Smoke” with Selah Dance Collective

“Sound and Smoke” is a show created by Meredith Ventura, the artistic director of Selah Dance Collective, which aligns with her research of the intersection of modern dance and cabaret as well as the roles women have played in these spaces. In an excerpt Meredith wrote about the show, it reads, “Each dancer in the cast represents a woman whose life, work, and death speak to contemporary ideas about women’s bodies.” Meredith was incredibly methodical in building her work, which resulted in a clear arc for audiences to connect to.

“Sound and Smoke” is an evening-length piece that originally premiered in Santa Barbra, where Selah is based, in January 2023. I performed in the third iteration of this work, which was held at Gibney’s Agnes Varis Performing Art Center through Gibney’s Performance Opportunity Project. Meredith’s long-time collaborator, Chloé Roberts, contributed as a choreographer and a rehearsal director for the New York-based cast members. The cast was comprised of seven New York- based artists and 13 from Santa Barbra.

I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of this show and to have worked with Meredith, Chloé, and all of the other dancers. Selah has fostered a community that centers itself on support in the creative process and they allow for room to explore in their live shows. I am excited to see what they continue to create.


Artifice Podcast - Ep 172


“Helaman Halls” performed at Queer Noise