Where Love Lived First

This journey was my first self-produced show and first solo-performance, which took place at the former Burnswood Studio in Salt Lake City. “Where Love Lived First” explored Dr. Kübler-Ross’ “Stages of Grief” and how they manifest and swirl within the body. This work was inspired by the passing of a former partner of mine and the creative process was incredibly healing. It allowed me to navigate my feelings, learn about my individual experience with grief, and lean on friends during a shaky time in my life. In this show, I incorporated video projections to aid in telling my story and intensify felt emotions. I’m incredibly grateful to Shelby Taylor for providing the space, for providing feedback along the way, and for running the show’s tech. I left this process feeling a wild mix of emotions but I ultimately felt grateful because “grief only exists where love lived first.”


Jesus in Berlin!